Version 0.2.5
- AI: fix frequent ground crashes, improve yaw/roll behavior in precise attack/formation mode
- Prevent player from getting 200% trust by typing 'a' beyond 100%
- Fix memory leak related to coastline 'foam'
- water using vertex/fragment shaders
- realistic day time simulation (colors, lightpos etc)
- switch back to dynamic lighting
- avoid opengl's buld in clipping for coastline, use own clipping instead
- implementation of simple LOD for terrain mesh
- many smaller changes, restructuring, code rewriting, bug fixes
Version 0.2
- Implementation of kind of GUI toolkit / framework
- start with a GUI, main-, settings- and instant action menu
- add some polygons for coastline
- add an option for joystick number to use
- add an option for joystick / keyboard sensitivity
- probably added some more options ...
- terrain engine uses CPU-multithreading now
- Improvement to flight model, including proper equations of motion
and added lateral modes (roll/yaw battle), improved short period
pitch mode and more ...
- adapt AI for flight model changes
- fix frustum culling for widescreen resolutions
- add a sky sphere for realistic sky shading
- improve fog behavior, add far distance alpha fading for terrain
and so on ...
- Hmm, a quick fix, see regarding news in the news section.
Version 0.1.5
- Reimplementation of parts of the terrain rendering engine
(higher terrain resolution for mountains, static lighting,
coastline integration, extensive use of (dynamicly managed) vertex array)
- new options related to recent changes of the terrain rendering engine
- AI change ... make bandits less agile to make things easier ... temporarely ...
Version 0.1.4
- add new options for disabling vertex arrays and detailed coast line
- add a progress view to loading screen
- improve physics related to starts/landings
- preparations for menu loop, fix several memory leaks, memory leak check
- high resolution coastline based on precalculated (by some kind of midpoint displacment) display lists.
- some changes for terrain engine in order to improve performance with higher view distances
- differ between fog and terrain distance, use far clipping plane to avoid hopping
- changes to options and setting.cfg file
- use vertext arrays for certain terrain tiles
- Some work on textures and terrain
- frustum culling adaption for widescreen resolutions, underwater coastline
- sky should reach farer to 'make a horizon' on high altitudes
- some work on textures
Version 0.1.3
- AI: Implement some attack (yaw/pitch mode) and defense (panick mode) tacktics
- AI: improve ground crash prevention
- Make AI fighter able to roll a little (toward it's target)
during turning.
- Make use of rudder possible.
- One can now use both Y and Z key for throttle decrease.
- Do not use linear fog any longer (avoid problems with large triangles on older graphic cards).
- fix frustum culling (tiles disapeared when flying at high altitude)
- fix integer overflow caused disapearing aircrafts if higher view distances choosed
- disable padlock if a opponent aircraft got killed
- enable use of more than one opponent aircraft
Version 0.1.2
- Implementation of basic enemy AI, suitable for dogfights, still not very marture. The
enemy planes can do various roll/turn combinations in order to get behind your or
avoid you to get behind them. It also will try to avoid a ground crash. There aren't yet
special defence/attack tactics.
- change fire key from 'C' to 'SPACE'
- make it possible to use the joystick butten for fireing
Version 0.1.1
- implement using the SDL for input and timer handling and window creation.
This replaces the X/Linux specific stuff. (The possibility to use X/Linux specific
stuff and libJSW for joystick input is still contained in the sourcecode and
one could reactivate it sometimes, i.e. independency from SDL if wanted from somebody)
- Windows port
- Check if used openGL extensions are available, else disable certain features
which use these extensions (Multitexture with more than two textures, dot3 for bumpmapped
water, vertex buffer objects (VBO's))
- for Windows, get extension related function pointers (else it would not work at all)
- implement framerate limitation differently (platform independent)
- additional joystick calibration (only if SDL is used)
- make joystick axes invertion possible (with a new settings oprtion
- add an ingame menu (unfortunately not yet beautiful) to access functions like joystick calibration and programm exiting
- implement possibility to pause the game (to be able to make screenshots or so)
- loading screen, though very ugly
- maybe something more ...
Version 0.1
This is the first release.